Typical Raman spectra of amorphous carbon films prepared by glow discharge
The single walled nanotubes (SWNT) and amorphous carbon produced more
amorphous carbon materials onto the substrate, intervening in the Raman
but no band appear which can be attributed to the amorphous carbon.
Typical Raman Spectra of SCNRs, 785nm Excitation Frequency
Raman Spectra of Diamondlike Amorphous Carbon Films
Figure 5: A typical Raman spectrum of Tagish Lake.
Figure T3.1 Comparison of Raman spectra of (a) amorphous and (b)
Raman. Figure 2 : Raman Spectrum. Today, we have futher developed our plasma
Raman spectra obtained from the different carbon phases in the Haver¨o
the termination structure of the amorphous carbon and related films.
As a result, the resonant Raman cross section of all modes is strongly
The Raman spectra of the treated carbon fibers showed very similar ID/IG
Raman spectra of as-deposited and carbon-ion-planted, coarse-grain diamond
(a) G Raman band position, (b) ID/IG ratio of the intensities of D and G
Figure 11: Raman D and G bands of two Stardust particles (labelled F1_1 and
amorphous sp2 bonded carbon. Because of the large amount of grain
Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Using Raman Spectroscopy: A Parametric
report in the following the Raman spectra of isolated multi-wall carbon
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